Setting up a refund account gives you the ability to quickly process refunds in the event you need to issue a refund to a customer.
To Set Up a Refund Account:
- Navigate to the Account Settings icon on the left sidebar menu.
- Select Manage Merchant Accounts.
- Select Configure Refund Account.
- Select Add New.
After creating your refund account, you can easily update the account to keep your information up to date.
To Edit a Refund Account:
- Navigate to the Account Settings icon on the left sidebar menu.
- Select Manage Merchant Accounts.
- Select the Arrows button next to your current refund account.
- Select Add New.
- Nickname: This is a reminder for you of what credit card the campsite is utilizing to issue electronic refunds.
- It is imperative to remind you that the information inserted in here is a credit/debit card associated with the camp business. This card will be charged the amount of the electronic refund and in turn, the allotted amount will be placed back on the registrant’s card they used to register for the event (or purchase of product).