If you have configured a refund account, you will have the ability to provide full or partial refunds directly back to a registrant’s payment card.
To Provide an Electronic Refund:
- Navigate to the Storefront icon in the left sidebar.
- Select the Product Type from the dropdown menu (ie. If it is a baseball camp it will most likely live within “Events”).
- Select the Product/Event/Camp.
- Select View Details hyperlink beside the registrant’s name
- Select the box underneath the header of Refund to confirm the item you wish to refund.
- Enter in your refund amount. *As the business administrator you have the ability to refund anywhere from $1 to the total amount the registrant paid. ARMS does not refund the processing fee paid by the registrant, so if you choose to refund the full amount paid, your business will be taking a hit on the processing fee
- Select Confirm.
Why am I Getting an Error Message when Attempting to Issue a Refund?
There are a few reasons why you may receive an error message when attempting to provide an electronic refund. Keep in mind that a refund card must be on file to provide an electronic refund. Some of the reasons below are possibilities as to why you are receiving an error message:
- The refund card you have on file is expired.
- Insufficient funds for the card on file.
- If you have given multiple refunds in one day, your bank may block continued transactions for a period of time.
- Card is marked as lost or stolen.
This is not an exhaustive list of the reasons why your card may have been declined. If you are unsure or have any questions on why your card is being declined, please feel free to reach out to the Camps team to investigate further.